Holographic BCFT Spectra from Brane Mergers

Shovon Biswas, Jani Kastikainen, Sanjit Shashi, James Sully

Sep 22, 2022

arXiv: 2209.11227

We use holography to study the spectra of boundary conformal field theories (BCFTs). To do so, we consider a 2-dimensional Euclidean BCFT with two circular boundaries that correspond to dynamical end-of-the-world branes in 3-dimensional gravity. Interactions between these branes inform the operator content and the energy spectrum of the dual BCFT. As a proof of concept, we first consider two highly separated branes whose only interaction is taken to be mediated by a scalar field. The holographic computation of the scalar-mediated exchange reproduces a light scalar primary and its global descendants in the closed-string channel of the dual BCFT. We then consider a gravity model with point particles. Here, the interaction of two separated branes corresponds to a heavy closed-string operator which lies below the black hole threshold. However, we may also consider branes at finite separation that “merge” non-smoothly. Such brane mergers can be used to describe unitary sub-threshold boundary-condition-changing operators in the open-string spectrum of the BCFT. We also find a new class of sub-threshold Euclidean bra-ket wormhole saddles with a factorization puzzle for closed-string amplitudes.

Niko Jokela, Jani Kastikainen, Elias Kiritsis, Francesco Nitti

Dec 16, 2021

JHEP 03 (2022) 091

arXiv: 2112.08715

We study strongly coupled ABJM theory on the 3-sphere with massive quenched flavor using the AdS/CFT correspondence. The holographic dual consists of type IIA supergravity with probe D6-branes. The flavor mass is a relevant deformation driving an RG flow whose IR endpoint is pure ABJM theory. At non-zero mass, we find that the theory on the 3-sphere exhibits a quantum phase transition at a critical value of the sphere radius. The transition corresponds to a topology change in the D6-brane embeddings whose dual interpretation is the meson-melting transition. We perform the holographic computation of the free energy on 3-sphere and we use it to construct various candidate F-functions. These were recently proposed in the context of Einstein-scalar gravity to interpolate monotonically between the values of the sphere free energies of the UV and IR CFTs. We find that while the F-functions of the flavored ABJM theory have the correct UV and IR limits, they are not monotonic. We surmise that the non-monotonicity is related to the presence of the phase transition.

Jani Kastikainen, Sanjit Shashi

Aug 31, 2021

Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 4, 046007

arXiv: 2109.00079

We compute correlation functions, specifically 1-point and 2-point functions, in holographic boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) using geodesic approximation. The holographic model consists of a massive scalar field coupled to a Karch-Randall brane — a rigid boundary in the bulk AdS space. Geodesic approximation requires the inclusion of paths reflecting off of this brane, which we show in detail. For the 1-point function, we find agreement between geodesic approximation and the harder Δ-exact calculation, and we give a novel derivation of boundary entropy using the result. For the 2-point function, we find a factorization phase transition and a mysterious set of anomalous boundary-localized BCFT operators. We also discuss some puzzles concerning these operators.

Jan de Boer, Victor Godet, Jani Kastikainen, Esko Keski-Vakkuri

Jul 22, 2020

SciPost Phys.Core 4 (2021) 019

arXiv: 2007.11711

One of the key tasks in physics is to perform measurements in order to determine the state of a system. Often, measurements are aimed at determining the values of physical parameters, but one can also ask simpler questions, such as “is the system in state A or state B?”. In quantum mechanics, the latter type of measurements can be studied and optimized using the framework of quantum hypothesis testing. In many cases one can explicitly find the optimal measurement in the limit where one has simultaneous access to a large number n of identical copies of the system, and estimate the expected error as n becomes large. Interestingly, error estimates turn out to involve various quantum information theoretic quantities such as relative entropy, thereby giving these quantities operational meaning.

In this paper we consider the application of quantum hypothesis testing to quantum many-body systems and quantum field theory. We review some of the necessary background material, and study in some detail the situation where the two states one wants to distinguish are parametrically close. The relevant error estimates involve quantities such as the variance of relative entropy, for which we prove a new inequality. We explore the optimal measurement strategy for spin chains and two-dimensional conformal field theory, focusing on the task of distinguishing reduced density matrices of subsystems. The optimal strategy turns out to be somewhat cumbersome to implement in practice, and we discuss a possible alternative strategy and the corresponding errors.

Jani Kastikainen

Jun 4, 2020

Class.Quant.Grav. 37 (2020) 19, 195010

arXiv: 2006.02803

We study codimension-even conical defects that contain a deficit solid angle around each point along the defect. We show that they lead to a delta function contribution to the Lovelock scalar and we compute the contribution by two methods. We then show that these codimension-even defects appear as Euclidean brane solutions in higher dimensional topological AdS gravity which is Lovelock-Chern-Simons gravity without torsion. The theory possesses a holographic Weyl anomaly that is purely of type-A and proportional to the Lovelock scalar. Using the formula for the defect contribution, we prove a holographic duality between codimension-even defect partition functions and codimension-even brane on-shell actions in Euclidean signature. More specifically, we find that the logarithmic divergences match, because the Lovelock-Chern-Simons action localizes on the brane exactly. We demonstrate the duality explicitly for a spherical defect on the boundary which extends as a codimension-even hyperbolic brane into the bulk. For vanishing brane tension, the geometry is a foliation of Euclidean AdS space that provides a one-parameter generalization of AdS-Rindler space.

Jani Kastikainen

Sep, 2019

Class.Quant.Grav. 37 (2020) 2, 025001

arXiv: 1908.05522

We study how the standard definitions of ADM mass and Brown-York quasi-local energy generalize to pure Lovelock gravity. The quasi-local energy is renormalized using the background subtraction prescription and we consider its limit for large surfaces. We find that the large surface limit vanishes for asymptotically flat fall-off conditions except in Einstein gravity. This problem is avoided by focusing on the variation of the quasi-local energy which correctly approaches the variation of the ADM mass for large surfaces. As a result, we obtain a new simple formula for the ADM mass in pure Lovelock gravity. We apply the formula to spherically symmetric geometries verifying previous calculations in the literature. We also revisit asymptotically AdS geometries.